Legend & Master Lost Sector schedule and rotation - Destiny 2

Use this Legend and Master Lost Sector schedule to see which Exotic armor drops today and each day, as well as a list of champions and shields to plan for.


Legend and Master Lost Sectors are a new addition to Destiny 2 and players would do well to keep track of the schedule and rotation. The reason for this is that players may find certain Lost Sectors easier than others, so knowing when one is going to be Legend or Master will be valuable information. Below you will find what the Legend Lost Sector today is, along with a full calendar so you can plan your farming sessions.

Last updated on June 23, 2024, at 10:20 a.m. PT. 

Legend & Master Lost Sector schedule and rotation

Below is the full schedule of the Legend and Master Lost Sector rotation, written out by yours truly. The pattern changes each season as Lost Sectors are swapped in and out. Check our guide on how to unlock Legend & Master Lost Sectors if yours aren’t available.

Legend & Master Lost Sector schedule
Date Legend (2020) / Master (2030) Champions Weapons
August 22 Concealed Void (Europa) Barrier, Overload Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
August 23 The Conflux (Nessus) Barrier, Unstoppable Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
August 24 Thrilladrome (Neomuna) Barrier, Overload Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
August 25 Hydroponics Delta (Neomuna) Barrier, Unstoppable Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
August 26 Veles Labyrinth (Cosmodrome) Barrier, Unstoppable Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
August 27 Exodus Garden 2A (Cosmodrome) Barrier, Overload Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
August 28 The Broken Deep (The Pale Heart) Overload, Unstoppable Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
August 29 The Blooming Deep (The Pale Heart) Overload, Unstoppable Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
August 30 The Forgotten Deep (The Pale Heart) Barrier, Unstoppable Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
August 31 Perdition (Europa) Barrier, Unstoppable Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
Date Legend (2020) / Master (2030) Champions Weapons
September 1 Bunker E15 (Europa) Barrier, Overload Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
September 2 Concealed Void (Europa) Barrier, Overload Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
September 3 The Conflux (Nessus) Barrier, Unstoppable Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
September 4 Thrilladrome (Neomuna) Barrier, Overload Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
September 5 Hydroponics Delta (Neomuna) Barrier, Unstoppable Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
September 6 Veles Labyrinth (Cosmodrome) Barrier, Unstoppable Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
September 7 Exodus Garden 2A (Cosmodrome) Barrier, Overload Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
September 8 The Broken Deep (The Pale Heart) Overload, Unstoppable Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
September 9 The Blooming Deep (The Pale Heart) Overload, Unstoppable Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
September 10 The Forgotten Deep (The Pale Heart) Barrier, Unstoppable Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
September 11 Perdition (Europa) Barrier, Unstoppable Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
September 12 Bunker E15 (Europa) Barrier, Overload Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
September 13 Concealed Void (Europa) Barrier, Overload Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
September 14 The Conflux (Nessus) Barrier, Unstoppable Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
September 15 Thrilladrome (Neomuna) Barrier, Overload Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
September 16 Hydroponics Delta (Neomuna) Barrier, Unstoppable Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
September 17 Veles Labyrinth (Cosmodrome) Barrier, Unstoppable Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
September 18 Exodus Garden 2A (Cosmodrome) Barrier, Overload Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
September 19 The Broken Deep (The Pale Heart) Overload, Unstoppable Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
September 20 The Blooming Deep (The Pale Heart) Overload, Unstoppable Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
September 21 The Forgotten Deep (The Pale Heart) Barrier, Unstoppable Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
September 22 Perdition (Europa) Barrier, Unstoppable Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
September 23 Bunker E15 (Europa) Barrier, Overload Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
September 24 Concealed Void (Europa) Barrier, Overload Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
September 25 The Conflux (Nessus) Barrier, Unstoppable Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
September 26 Thrilladrome (Neomuna) Barrier, Overload Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
September 27 Hydroponics Delta (Neomuna) Barrier, Unstoppable Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
September 28 Veles Labyrinth (Cosmodrome) Barrier, Unstoppable Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
September 29 Exodus Garden 2A (Cosmodrome) Barrier, Overload Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
September 30 The Broken Deep (The Pale Heart) Overload, Unstoppable Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
Date Legend (2020) / Master (2030) Champions Weapons
October 1 The Blooming Deep (The Pale Heart) Overload, Unstoppable Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
October 2 The Forgotten Deep (The Pale Heart) Barrier, Unstoppable Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
October 3 Perdition (Europa) Barrier, Unstoppable Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
October 4 Bunker E15 (Europa) Barrier, Overload Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
October 5 Concealed Void (Europa) Barrier, Overload Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling
October 6 The Conflux (Nessus) Barrier, Unstoppable Geodetic HSM, Glissando-47, Heliocentric QSc, Marcato-45
October 7 Thrilladrome (Neomuna) Barrier, Overload Crux Termination IV, Nox Perennial V, Psi Hermetic V, Ros Arago IV
October 8 Hydroponics Delta (Neomuna) Barrier, Unstoppable Combined Action, Last Foray, Parabellum, Old Sterling

Credit to Reddit use xiej for the Season 24 / Episode 1 weapon schedule.

For those just getting caught up, the Legend and Master Lost Sectors is an activity in Destiny 2 introduced on November 10, 2020, with Beyond Light. Every day, two Lost Sectors will be of Legend and Master difficulty, rewarding a chance at an Exotic Engram for anyone that can solo it. Check out our Destiny 2 Lost Sectors guide if you're struggling to find any.

As of The Witch Queen (February 22, 2022), the Legend and Master Lost Sectors will be the same each day. In order to play the Master, players must interact with the flag outside of the Lost Sector and select the Master difficulty.

With the release of The Final Shape, Lost Sectors underwent a major change, essentially removing the rotating armor slot drop. When an Exotic does drop, it will no longer be from a guaranteed armor slot and will instead be an engram that can be decrypted at the Cryptarch. This allows you to focus your engram into a specific Exotic armor piece but it does mean you can no longer farm Lost Sectors to acquire brand new Exotics. Instead, you will need to rank up the Cryptarch and reset the reward track, which will unlock a third page, allowing you to purchase a new Exotic armor piece.

Legend & Master Lost Sector champions & shields

Below is a table that shows the champions you'll find in each Legend and Master Lost Sector, as well as the shield types that you'll deal with. This can help you with planning your loadout instead of wasting a run figuring it out on your own. A big thanks to Charlemagne, Warmind of Discord for the data.

Legend Lost Sector Champions + Shields
Lost Sector Barrier Overload Unstoppable Void Arc Solar
Aphelion's Rest N/A 2 2 9 N/A N/A
Bay of Drowned Wishes N/A 2 3 1 N/A N/A
Bunker E15 1 4 N/A 2 N/A 4
Chamber of Starlight N/A 1 3 17 N/A 2
Concealed Void 1 3 N/A 3 1 2
K1 Communion 3 2 N/A 2 N/A 1
K1 Crew Quarters 3 2 N/A N/A N/A 10
K1 Logistics 3 2 N/A N/A 3 8
K1 Revelation 4 N/A 3 4 N/A N/A
Perdition 2 2 N/A 2 22 N/A
The Empty Tank 2 2 N/A 1 N/A N/A
The Conflux 2 N/A 2 14 N/A N/A
Metamorphosis N/A 3 2 N/A 2 1
Sepulcher 3 N/A 1 N/A 2 1
Extraction N/A 1 3 5 7 N/A
Excavation Site XII 2 N/A 2 N/A 1 N/A
Skydock IV 1 N/A 3 5 N/A N/A
The Quarry 2 N/A 2 1 N/A 1
Veles Labyrinth 2 N/A 1 N/A 2 1
Exodus Garden 2A 2 2 N/A 4 N/A N/A
Scavengers' Den 2 3 N/A N/A 1 N/A
Thrilladrome x x - x x -
Gilded Precept x - x x - x
Hydroponics Delta x - x - - -
Master Lost Sector Champions + Shields
Lost Sector Barrier Overload Unstoppable Void Arc Solar
Aphelion's Rest N/A 4 3 9 N/A N/A
Bay of Drowned Wishes N/A 3 3 1 N/A N/A
Bunker E15 2 4 N/A 2 N/A N/A
Chamber of Starlight N/A 3 6 23 N/A 2
Concealed Void 3 5 N/A 3 N/A 2
K1 Communion 4 6 N/A N/A N/A 1
K1 Crew Quarters 4 6 N/A N/A N/A 10
K1 Logistics 4 6 N/A N/A 3 8
K1 Revelation 7 N/A 3 1 N/A N/A
Perdition 4 2 N/A 2 22 N/A
The Empty Tank 5 3 N/A 2 N/A N/A
The Conflux 3 N/A 3 7 N/A N/A
Metamorphosis N/A 3 4 N/A 2 1
Sepulcher 5 N/A 2 N/A 1 N/A
Extraction N/A 4 3 5 4 N/A
Excavation Site XII 2 N/A 5 N/A 1 N/A
Skydock IV 1 N/A 5 4 N/A N/A
The Quarry 4 N/A 4 N/A N/A 1
Veles Labyrinth 3 N/A 4 N/A N/A 1
Exodus Garden 2A 5 4 N/A 3 N/A N/A
Scavengers' Den 2 5 N/A N/A 1 N/A
Thrilladrome x x - x x -
Gilded Precept x - x x - x
Hydroponics Delta x - x - - -

Legend & Master Lost Sector Exotic loot table

Legend Master Lost Sector Exotic Loot Table
Cuirass of the Falling Star should be high on your list if you're a Titan.

Below you'll find a list of the Exotic loot that is locked behind solo completion of Legend and Master Lost Sectors in Destiny 2. This means that you cannot get these Exotic items anywhere else in the game. You may get Exotic drops in Legend and Master Lost Sectors that are not on this list, but the items below specifically cannot be obtained anywhere else.

Armor Class Name Season
Head Hunter Mask of Bakris 12: Hunt
Head Titan Precious Scars 12: Hunt
Head Warlock Dawn of Chorus 12: Hunt
Head Hunter Blight Ranger 16: Risen
Head Titan Loreley Splendor Helm 16: Risen
Head Warlock Fallen Sunstar 18: Plunder
Head Hunter Cyrtarachne's Facade 20: Defiance
Head Titan Cadmus Ridge Lancecap 20: Defiance
Head Warlock Cenotaph Mask 21: Deep
Arms Hunter Athrys's Embrace 12: Hunt
Arms Titan Icefall Mantle 12: Hunt
Arms Warlock Nectroic Grip 12: Hunt
Arms Titan No Backup Plans 15: Lost
Arms Warlock Nothing Manacles 15: Lost
Arms Hunter Renewal Grasps 16: Risen
Arms Warlock Osmiomancy Gloves 16: Risen
Arms Hunter Caliban's Hand 17: Haunted
Arms Titan Second Chance 17: Haunted
Arms Titan Point-Contact Cannon Brace 18: Plunder
Arms Warlock Ballidorse Wrathweavers 20: Defiance
Arms Hunter Triton Vice 21: Deep
Arms Hunter Mothkeeper's Wraps 22: Witch
Arms Titan Pyrogale Gauntlets 22: Witch
Arms Warlock Briarbinds 22: Witch
Chest Hunter Omnioculus 13: Chosen
Chest Titan Cuirass of the Falling Star 13: Chosen
Chest Warlock Mantle of Battle Harmony 13: Chosen
Chest Titan Hoarfrost-Z 16: Risen
Chest Hunter Gyrfalcon's Hauberk 18: Plunder
Chest Titan Arbor Warden 21: Deep
Legs Hunter Star-Eater Scales 14: Splicer
Legs Titan The Path of Burning Steps 14: Splicer
Legs Warlock Boots of the Assembler 14: Splicer
Legs Hunter Radiant Dance Machines 15: Lost
Legs Warlock Secant Filaments 16: Risen
Legs Warlock Rain of Fire 17: Haunted
Legs Hunter Speedloader Slacks 20: Defiance
Legs Titan Abeyant Leap 20: Defiance
Legs Warlock Swarmers 20: Defiance

It’s also worth noting that this Legend and Master Lost Sector schedule may change if Bungie toys with anything on the backend. We'll be sure to update this guide with new information as it's revealed each day or whenever the Lost Sector line-up changes each Season. With the knowledge of the Legend Lost Sector today, tomorrow, and in the future, you can plan what days you need to get on to farm a specific Exotic. Be sure to check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 guide for more help with the latest season.

Guides Editor

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as a Guides Editor. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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