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  • 10/31/2017 Registered
About the Author Edit

Between The Finals, Delta Force: Hawk Ops, Spectre Divide, and Hunt: Showdown 1896, my FPS skills are back on display. Feels good to be clickin' pixels and netting dubs.

I think we're in an FPS renaissance.

I was really hoping I'd enjoy Deathbound. I love me some Souslike games, but this one just missed the mark. Devs need to nail the smooth animations and i-frames if they want to compete.

Sort of feels like there aren't a lot of big games on the immediate horizon to get excited about. Definitely keen for that Hunt: Showdown 1896 refresh, though!

More people need to play The Finals.

More people need to play The Finals.

Dodging Radahn's Gravity Corkscrew.

Roll left just before he lands.

Dealing with Radahn's T-pose Holy blast.

You can run outside the radius, however it's best to shield the blast and get some free hits.

How to dodge Radahn's Holy, orbital laser cannon, meteor strike, tactical nuke.


Dodging Radahn's meteorites in Phase 1.

How to dodge Radahn's Gravity Meteorites & 5-hit clone slam in Phase 2.

Run left or right and jump before the first meteorite hits. Block four clones and then roll sideways to avoid Radahn, then roll back back inwards to avoid the Holy blast.

Hello, Meet Lola